Ok- so it's Game On!!!!With 5 weeks left till my show I'm stepping up my game and getting ready for that push. It's CRUNCH time... This is when you start focusing on all the little details, like tighten up your diet and for me personally that means cutting carbs, no more weekend cheat meal and giving up my love of "dirty" flavored creamer for my morning coffee! Heck, I've even given up coffee, altogether, because for me it's just not the same without that flavored hazelnut fat free creamer!!! Even though, it says fat free, it's still not "CLEAN" and this is the time where being "clean" needs to be spot on. It will make all the difference! I've also starting doing cardio twice a day for 30 minutes each time along with changing my weight training routine, yet again. I have always changed this every 4 weeks regardless if I'm doing a show or not. The goal is to keep your body guessing and therefore making your body work harder, which is also known as muscle confusion. I've also been practicing my stage presence, equally important, if not more important during these last few weeks. Practice, practice, practice...Smile, don't look down, own that stage, find that inner DIVA! Ok, so that took some time for me to get comfortable with...I'm not going to lie. LOL... When I first started practicing, I had this feeling of embarrassment because, I didn't want to come off as this women who's full of herself! I'd be mortified if anyone ever thought of me in that way. Lol, but I know without a single doubt, I'm not that person. I'm know the difference between being full of yourself and those who exude confidence. After all, heck, I should be proud of what I've accomplished yet at the same time remaining true to my humble self. With that being said, I've never been one to worry about what others think. I think its very important for all women and men to realize that, within themselves. All you can do, is stay true to yourself, work hard, set goals and be kind, loving, non judgemental and supportive. That to me is the true meaning of beauty. Which, brings me to my next topic...

My workshops....After brainstorming a new plan, it is now official. My very first workshop is to be held on Sunday- April 14th, 2013 in Oakland, NJ at Edge Lifestyles Gym from 1pm-3pm. I'm super excited to host this workshop and with many others to follow... My ultimate goal, is for those that attend my workshops to learn the "importance" in making time for themselves and also to be surrounded by other like- minded women. With that, just maybe, at the same time -they will develop friendships, have new workout partners along with having someone to help hold them accountable. It's always great to have a support network when living a healthy lifestyle. Because, at the end of the day, we all need that guidance and that occasional, hey your doing a great job! So, pass the word along, it's going to be great! I'm very excited to share my knowledge with all of you.
Stay tuned for next week as I will go over the next few details in getting show ready....
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